Security and Cameras Reviews the IC Realtime EL411PIXIM

Many security camera installers fear having to mount cameras which face a window or door. Doors and windows present a special problem because they allow large amounts of light into rooms which overpower camera sensors. Every time I speak to a new client they tell me that “they were told” cameras cannot face doors or windows.

Now we security people know the value inherent in having a camera facing a main entry door or an important window for a department or jewelry store. If we have to keep each camera facing in the “wrong direction” so to speak it is extremely limiting in regards to a security system’s efficacy. I know I want to see who is entering a room or building, and getting the back of their head just won’t cut the professional mustard.

In answer to this frustrating problem is a sophisticated and effective new technology known as Wide Dynamic Range or WDR. Wide Dynamic Range technology allows camera sensors to take a high shutter speed image of a very well lit area like a doorway, and a regular or slow shutter speed image of a shaded or dark area and combine them together for an amazingly well constructed image made up of the two shots. In fact, you end up seeing both the light and dark area as if they were taken at the same shutter speed.

As a matter of practice I no longer use any indoor dome or box camera unless it is a WDR based camera system since I cannot afford to suffer from poor image quality in my projects. I have used the ICRealtime EL-411 Pixim extensively on my projects and they have performed beyond my initial expectations. Imagine the ability to grab faces no matter the existing or changing lighting and not having to worry about someone opening a shade on a sunny day and your camera images going to hell in a hand basket.

The EL-411 Pixim Camera incorporates an Intelligent CDS sensor and mechanical day/night dual filter system for sensitivity to Infrared light when night vision is essential to your job. The filter accurately switches on and off changing images from colour to black and white at light illumination of 5 lux. and has an external IR illumination switch for the addition of extra IR illumination. The camera comes in a 540 TVL model, but can be purchased in a number of configurations which include an indoor dome version called the EL-400 and vandal proof dome called the EL-420.

With CCTV technology moving as fast as it is, don’t get left behind thinking you need to keep your cameras in steady lighting. With WDR sensors, a new world of imaging is opening up and your possibilities are greatly increased. In the end, this technology will lead to more effective security, happier customers, and amazing picture quality.

This ICRealtime review was written by Brian Levy